

Friday, January 28, 2011

Keep on trying

Hey guys,

Thank you for all the support and kind words! I got an email from Chelsea FC today! Think I will get a trail with them. It is not over with the Belles, but its good to have options!


Thursday, January 27, 2011

this is hard

Hey guys, I am a mental mess right now.  I didn't do very well today, i did okay.  It is just tough, this is such a mental challenge. I feel not good enough, even though I know I am! I can not help but get down, Im living with girls who are already on the team, and im ashamed that I am not. I know I still have a shot but after tonight I am just so down on myself.  I did so well the first try out, but it hurts that that wasnt enough.  The coaches told me the door is still open, but I have to really pull it together in the game on Thursday, to make the team. This is a real challenge, but when it comes down to it its just soccer.  Yes I love soccer haha but there is more to life, like my wonderful family, friends, Stanton, nugey bear, I guess I just need some confidence...nothing new haha

I am trying my best

Hey guys,

Kind of down today.  It is hard seeing the coaches hand papers over for other new girls to sign in front me, and talking about the future and the team.  I am just sitting there watching and waiting, not knowing if I'm good enough or not.  I don't have a big name for myself like these girls have, and it is against me.  

This was really hurting me, but now I realize its okay.  I may not have a big name, been on a national team or anything, but I know I have heart, and that I am good enough.  I have showed that I am good enough and it hurts that they still don't know if they should take me or not, sometimes I feel like they are dragging me along waiting for something better to come along.

I can say that I am glad I am not built up, I a glad I am not in the papers, this could send my head and my heart the wrong way.  I am not here to get praised, but to give praise and my best.  I don't mind being the underdog.  I just had to work 100 times harder. God gave me the skill of soccer, I don't deserve any praise and recognition.

Soccer does not define me, and I don't want it to. I have many parts to me :)  I am trying hard to have a good attitude, I am struggling not knowing what the coaches are thinking.  All I know is whatever happens I WILL BE OKAY and it WILL BE FOR THE BEST.

Miss you all, Hope life is great!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Leicester to visit Family!

Hey guys,
    Sunday evening Uncle Aubrey picked me up from Donny and took me down to his house to see my family! It was so nice to see family, even though I barely know them! Farley my oldest cousin is married now and I met his wife Katie, she is very funny. Libby is 17, and has a boyfriend.  I think she looks a bit like me! You can see the Leslie gene.  Then there is Jem and Ruben who are homeschooled! Great kids I had a blast.

For all my friends back home, we played FISHBOWL! woohoo soo fun!  I went shopping on monday with everyone, and let me tell you...the clothes here are so cute and prices are AMAZING!  I got a new pair of predator cleats for 12 dollars!! crazy deals! I just wanna shop, shop, shop, haha.
  I really like the girls, good group, which is very important to me. I was in Bed for 3 days sick so that did HURT me. My endurance went down, we did fitness on sunday and it was tough for me and my chest... I still have a sore throat and some sinus issues.  Just going to keep on pressing and praying!
Christian finally had Jelly Babies, SOO GOOD, I'm in a candy coma

Tell me how you guys are all doing, what is new in America?!?!
Love you all, hope you like the pics,


Sunday, January 23, 2011

try outs

try outs this morning! my second ones, I feel alright, i still have a sore throat and some icky gunk, also a few days off soccer hurts more than u know. i will try my best!! wish me luck

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Been here a Whole week!

          Its finally starting to sink in, this Hotel might be my home for a long time!  I am actually very lucky, everyone who works here is so nice, and there is even a guy named Christian who cooks my food, and reminds me of my brother, just because of the name. They couldn't be more opposite.  My brother is the ultimate babe player slayer and this guy, well, lets just say is not.  Anywhooo I uploaded some pictures just so you know what my life is like right now.  I could sum it up easily. TEA and CANDY hahah, no but really. I have been drinking so much tea! I am drinking some now in fact. I finally got my hands on this tea for sore throat which is great, because I need to heal for try outs tomorrow! Also the candy here is SOO goood, makes our chocolate taste like poopsicles. Don't worry I got a list down of who wants what candy when i come home
Christin-jelly babies and fruit pastels
Stanton-a lil bit of everything
just let me know!

So fact, apparently Copa shoes are NOT cool here! haha everyone thinks im a granny player! Oh well I like my copa's i will rock it. Actually, i might try on some different kinds because my copa's ripped and it rains a lot here so they get very heavy and wet! But I will not deny that Copas have been good to me. xoxo haha

Now lets discuss United Kingdom tele. yes tele a.k.a television. Its RIDONKULUS haha.  The funniest shows are on, i cant even explain.  They also play a lot of "friends", so Jessica Menzube I now have a new appreciation for that tv show.

I am slowly catching on to the phrases here, I am pretty sure I will sound different when I come home.  My uncle Aubrey is picking me up tomorrow after training and I will be spending 2 days with my family! I am so excited, I have not seen them in ages! I will finally get some good food in me, today I did have eggs tho wohoo!

Soo just something else I want to share, I was reading My Utmost for his Highest (thank you Tim Hall for the book) and this sentence really stuck with me
         "Am i so in love with Him that I take no thought for where He might lead me, or am I watching to see how much respect i get as i measure how much service I should give Him?"
I had this mindset the whole time that if I make the team I will give all my glory to him, and recognize he gave me this ability. There isn't to big of a problem with this, but I realized that I shouldn't have to wait for the future to serve God and to praise him for my ability.  I might not make the team, but that does not take away what God gave me.  I should serve him now, not later when I get "respect". Anyway just something to think about. I shouldn't measure my service on what he does for me, I should do all I can for Him.
(p.s) Kim and Bert if u guys do bible study let me know the time so I can skype it! I can make it work!

Well I hope all of you are well! I love you all so much! And all I can say is serve him now, don't wait till your in need of something or want something.

Also put up a pic of Monkey B, he travels with me, thanks to stanny

Lauren Leslie

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Hey guys its  6 here.  I just had one of the worsts nights of my life, slash right now.  Ive caught the flu or something and Its really bad I was shivering all night freezing then hot and my body hurts so bad.  My throat is terrible and i want to cry and i just wish somone was here.  This stinks tomorrow is a big day for me, big try outs.  I dont know what to do.  Well i cant do anything obvi i just feel terrible.  Writing this is taking my mind off how i feel a little bit.  I am so upset. Please pray for me. Anyway cmon body fight fight

Love you all


Monday, January 17, 2011

Miss my Boys

Put up two pictures of the men in my life :) Stanton and Nugeyy miss you!

Had my First real Try out

Helloo poppits,

So I bet you guys want to know how I did? Honestly I did great.  I played just like me, my style. God really helped me with my confidence.  The team is very good and very nice.  We have a center back name vicki who is 30 something but she rocks! all the girls are great players! Anyway I fit right in, my passes were great, and that's what matter they do FAST HARD QUICK BALLS. Its a very speedy game.  Long prac , we did pure jogging and sprinting with the ball for 12 minutes, it was super tough, and that was only the start.  Anyway I am glad I did good, they say I'm "quality" I dunno that's what they say here! Its top level but I think I am ready, thank goodness i trained at home or I would be DEAD!

So the deal is they want to see me in a game, so Ill be on trail for about 3 weeks :), They like what they see, they just want me in a game situation which is great, I feel I can really sow them.  Only downfall is they have lots of defenders, they dont need anymore! !

Hotel is super nice and upscale but there is no fridge and closet..?? umm im confused haha

So everything is good, I just can not get used to the time switch, I am exhausted and starving.  I have not gone to the bank yet so i have no money, and I'm only given one meal a day here, so since i got here i have been only having 1 meal a day.  Today my body is finally feeling very run down from it, and the un-proper sleep.  I am kinda sad even though im still excited.  Its been hard not talking to Stanton or any of my friends.  Keep me in your thoughts and prayers!



Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 3

Hey guys,

So I know I have only been here two days, but the coach took me out around doncaster "donny" is what they call it.  It is so fun! I had a blast and met some great people.  Today I went and saw a champions league game it was the Rover Belles vs. Reading.  it was great! I got to sit in the box office seats! My first real try out is tomorrow, im scared but im going to try my BEST!

Love you all,


Friday, January 14, 2011

the picture above

In the pic above, not sure why, but it says that on my soccer shorts.  That is why i posted it.  So yesterday was hard, but of course it was I just got off the plan! Today was a lot better, honestly, and I even played boys today.  It was a boys college team and I did great, guess we will just see what is in store.  I have a day off tomorrow which is saturday here, then prac with the first team on sunday! I would love to be on a team closer to Uncle Aubrey or Nana Wynn.  Everyone loves my accent and wants me to talk all the time.  Everyone smoke and cusses, even the girls!  When a girl makes a mistake on the field bad words start flying out of her mouth. I dont even understand them. And this one guy today called his mom a cow...not very nice. Karma hit him thought he pulled his hamstring during prac, poor lad. Going out around the town tonight! I will take pics! 

Miss you love you all,

Lauren Leslie

p.s. yes christian I wont tell them my nickname is FLyy BZZ haha

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Hey guys,

Its late here, and everything is backwards! They drive on the wrong side of the road, their light switches, even the time is all weird so i can not tell you what time it is. All i know is that it is late and i have not slept in two days and i just had my first try out, well kinda. They said i didnt need to play cus i was tired but i wanted to be strong and do it...

now lets be honest, i didnt know what to expect...THEY ARE REALLY GOOD! and this is the reserve team.  I felt off my game. I didnt stand out i just blended in, and with the reserves!! thats bad you guys.  I need to make first team.  The coach already calls me little one, im the smallest one out there, yes they are HUGE! anyway im scared and I dont know if Im good enough, honestly.  I had no  idea they were this good.  I guess i will have to work hard, im just scared.

Help me

Fly baby

Adventure time

So I have finally landed!  The coaches are great, Paul picked me up and they have paid for a hotel, food, and gym for awhile for me! I get a few trails which is great.  It is in God's hands and Im okay with anything that happens.  But I would love to be the team.  There is an irish girl with me here named aanya.  She is very nice.  Not sure how to tell them my nickname is fly...awkward? haha maybe I will finally be called my real name in soccer land!

Airplane was rough, delayed flight for 3 hours. Food was ....well not food.  I don't get a lot of internet time so I must go!

Love you All
